Private Homestay Information

Find contact information and details here

Partners are free to choose between placing students with our Homestay Program, or working with one of the homestay placement companies that operate in our region.  These companies all work with other Districts (some Districts do not have their own homestay programs), and all companies listed below have successfully placed students in Abbotsford in the past.  Occasionally we have students who we cannot place in our program due to age (arriving already 18 years old), space restrictions, certain medical conditions, allergies or food requirements, and we rely on these companies to help us out.  

Company info can be found at the links below.   Information given below is what we received, each company will have to confirm their pricing and policies.

Important: Please note that the companies listed below must be the Custodians for students registered in their programs, and will arrange airport pickup / dropoff


Harmony Homestay home page                

Pricing Page 2025/2026

email contact: Amanda Carrasco


MLI Homestay homepage

Pricing Page 2025/2026

email contact: Kristi Ash

 Apply to MLI


Canada Homestay Network (CHN) home page       

Pricing page 2025/2026

CHN ​​Processing Timeline Description

email contact: Karen Kelt