Student Support
Well supported students are successful students!
No matter how good a school is, if students are not well taken care of it can be difficult to succeed. Abbotsford School District International Student Program offers outstanding international student services and support to help make our students' experience in Canada as enjoyable and educational as possible.
Our dedicated full time team of International Student Liaisons (ISL's) provide a full range of services, including:
- Assistance with orientation and language assessment
- Monitoring of academics, attendance, homestay and overall wellbeing
- Assistance with meeting your academic goals
- Providing information about field trips and events
- Help with any issues outside of school
- Assistance with document renewal
- 24-hour emergency contact
Our International Student Liaisons speak several languages, and can facilitate communication between students, parents, school staff and homestay parents. ISL's visit their students' schools 2 - 3 times each week on a regular schedule, so students can visit them during office hours, or can call their cell phones / send questions by text/WhatsApp.
MyEducationBC is an online reporting tool that allows students and parents to monitor academic progress by accessing marks and attendance in realtime. International Student Liaisons also check students' progress and connect with students to make sure they are on track for success.
Student Orientation
Before beginning a study program in Abbotsford, students attend a three-day orientation to help them adjust to life in Canada, evaluate their ESL needs, and meet our International Student Liaisons and other students. Orientation topics include:
- How to achieve academic success in Canadian schools
- What to expect while attending school in Abbotsford
- What living with a Canadian family will be like
- How to share your culture with Canadians while you study in Canada
- How and where to get help
- Information about school trips and activities
Before school begins, students have a chance to visit the school they will be attending to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings. A counsellor will work with students to finalize their course schedule.
More information about why it is important to attend orientation
Questions about our international student services and support? Please contact us.