Lisa Lee - International Scholarship Winner

I faced numerous challenges while studying abroad in Canada which not only helped me to cultivate adaptability to different circumstances, but strengthened my problem solving skills as well.

Imagine a world where everything happened as it was planned and life was easy and predictable.It might seem ideal at first, but without struggle or disappointment, personal growth would be limited Likewise, there have been some drastic events in my life which helped me to grow and develop as an individual, and through those experiences I have become a stronger person I faced numerous challenges while studying abroad in Canada which not only helped me to cultivate adaptability to different circumstances, but strengthened my problem solving skills as well.

      A number of factors led to my decision to study abroad in Canada for my first year of studying in Canada. First of all, I wanted to learn English. Secondly, I wanted to experience a new culture. For my first year of studying in Canada, I had to stay with a Korean homestay family. However, all things didn’t go as smoothly as I expected because they were really religious, requiring me to attend church every week and wake up early for worship. The problem was, even though I had previously attended a Christian elementary school, I didn’t really have a religion I felt connected with, so I found my self confused and agitated in that situation. Yet, I wanted to challenge myself and try exposing myself to an entirely new culture rather than take the easy route and lose out on personal growth.

Ultimately, it was my desire to try new things which motivated me to move homestays. At the new homestay, I met Lisa, my host mom. To me, she was nothing short of a real mother in a different location. When I would feel nervous and hesitate to speak in English, I would just say  “I don’t know” to avoid speaking. However, she placed a ban on that phrase and although difficult at that time, in the long run it helped me to overcome and learn the English language faster. She would also help with any activities I needed for my school and education and take me along on family trips. Through being forced out of my comfort zone, I learned to be more confident and that experiences can be more rewarding when you have to put effort into them than when they just come easily.

At school I joined few clubs. First, I joined band, and I became a section leader. My job was helping other flute players when they were having a difficult time, and I organized flute practice once a week so our section could be ready for any concerts. From this experience I learned that the organization of a leader greatly impacts a group’s performance and that everyone does better when the leader sets a good example and shows effort. For the last two years of high school, I have participated in key club. I have been involved in the business side of the group, and as the club treasure I had to talk to many different local business to get donations from them. Some people were easier to deal with while others didn’t want to provide donations for our club. From this experience I learned how to build relationships and deal with rejection. I really recommend joining club when you are in high school because not only they look good on your university application, but also you can make lot’s of good memories.

I met so many amazing teachers in Abbotsford senior secondary school, but my favorite teacher is my IA teacher Mindy Yeo. She was always there for me whenever I needed help, and she always helped me to make better decisions. My high school life would not be the same without her help.

Throughout life, there are a multitude of challenges one must face and overcome in some way in order to continue on. Sometimes, these challenges may leave regrets, while alternatively, good experiences can aid in the process of the individual’s growth. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges for me was choosing to study abroad and learning to adapt to an entirely different language, culture, and for a period of time even religion. However, these difficulties enabled me to learn from my experiences and further develop myself into an adaptable and resilient person. The difficulties which arose from the different language, culture, and circumstances shaped me into who I am today, and will continue to impact me in becoming who I will be in the future.